Press Release - Writ Petition filed by IT Employees affected by TCS

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The Writ Petitions (WP 6966/2015, WP 3792/2015) filed by the affected IT employees in the High Court of AP and Telangana challenging the government orders and IT policy and violation of laws came for hearing on the 20th of March 2015. The petition focused on the failure on the part of the Government of Telangana in implementing its IT policy and failure on the part of TCS in complying with the laws of the land. While admitting the petitions his highness Honourable Justice Shri Nuti RamMohan Rao has asked the government and TCS to file a counter in four weeks time. Justice Shri Nuti RamMohan Rao observed that

  • IT industry has helped in a great way in terms of economic growth. Exemptions in the initial stages have helped but questioned on how long can the exemptions continue.
  • He also added saying that ID act is the only silver lining in this country, that is in support of the working people. IT companies are bound to implement the laws of the land and no company can dilute the entire legal system.
  • He has commented stating that the companies can't just think about the cash flows, but are to think about the welfare of the human resources on which the IT industry banks upon for their supra profits.
  • While praising about the legacy of the TATA's from JRD Tata to Ratan Tata, he has said that they were relatively well off thinking about the welfare of the workforce. Reminding of Ratan Tatas remark of “have we done enough” in response to his colleagues claim of Tata group spending Rs 140 cr for the welfare of the deceased in the 26/11 episode, Hon' Judge has asked the Tatas “if they have done enough” for the retrenched employees.
  • He also said that the policy of “Hire and Fire” is not applicable in the Indian context and questioned if there were surplus jobs in India so that retrenched can be employed immediately and raised concerns of why the policy makers inside the companies lack this vision of compassionateness for the future of their workforce. What was the alternate vision which these HR's are providing to the employees retrenched, do they have a proper vision for their existing workforce ?
  • He has questioned the very essence of people rendered unemployed at an early age of mid thirties and being socially treated unemployable. He further said that the best way to kill a best brain is not to assign any work. Hon' Judge was seriously concerned about the health conditions of the employees, who were working for exhorbitant hours, the mental stress and their truama.
  • He asserted saying that people need protection, and employment security is crucial for stable life and social stability. Without a stability what would be the future of the family and offsprings.
M. Rama Krishna(7702839983) Y Kiran Chandra(9490098011)
Welfare Association of IT Forum of IT Professionals